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Game Animals Lithographs

  • In stock 
  • Article number: 84950
  • Price 1 pcs28.80  EUR
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4 Lithographs - fallow deer, red deer, roe deer and sika deer.

Both male and female versions of the game animals are depicted.

The lithographs are in A4 format (21 x 29,7 cm) and printed on heavy vintage paper (160 g).

The lithographs are ideal for hunters or for e.g. decoration in the living room.

You can choose between text in the following languages:

GB: Fallow deer - Red deer - Roe deer - Sika deer
DE: Damhirsch - Rothirsch - Reh - Sikahirsch
NO: Dådyr - Kronhjort - Rådyr - Sikahjort
SE: Dovhjort - Kronhjort - Rådjur - Sikahjort

The illustrations have been hand drawn by the Danish natural artist Susanne Weitemeyer who has more than 40 years of experience with nature illustrations.

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